Best Note Making Tips for JEE Main Exam

For students preparing for the JEE Main examination, good notes are like gold regarding their value and longevity. While some prefer to keep their note-taking simple, others make it all about the colors.

There are many advantages of note-making during your JEE prep. Actively taking notes throughout your preparation might assist you in focusing and comprehending key concepts.

Active listening, knowledge of the course information, and retention are all improved by taking good notes in class.

However, there are a few hacks about note-making that must be kept in mind. Let’s learn about them. Read on:

Making Short Notes

The goal of these notes is to be specific, covering the highlights and critical aspects. Keywords, Symbolic Diagrams, and Formulas are generally used in these notes, which are the most precise. It is strongly advised that these notes be written in tiny font size and be kept short.

Using Different Coloured Pens

Colours always help a person recognize things more clearly. The best approach is to use a blue pen to highlight significant essential phrases and sentences, a yellow highlighter to highlight equations, and a much brighter color to emphasize any other exceptions.

Different Notebooks for Different Subjects

To avoid panicking while looking for notes on a critical topic, the candidates should maintain their JEE Main notes and keep them well-organized. Therefore, different notebooks for different subjects are important. Aspirants should maintain an index with the list of important topics, with page number indications for better navigation through the notes.

Make Smarter Notes

The candidate should read their notes carefully and be familiar with the contents of the textbook. Following a thorough reading of the textbook, take note of any insights provided by the relevant faculty. The goal of taking notes to ensure adequate exam preparation is to conceptually comprehend a topic and grasp the application of a given formula.

Always leave a few sheets blank after you finish an initial draft of notes for a topic to make corrections, modifications, or more significant details on a few formulae and notions.

When taking notes on different topics, including the limits and application of a specific formula to understand better.

Outlining Topics During Note-making

Use tree diagrams or enough highlighting to outline concepts when taking notes. Once you’ve determined the primary topic, branch out sub-topics beneath it and explain them adequately to ensure that the concept flows.

Make a quick note on the concept’s application, formula derivation, and your comprehension of it once it’s been given to help you associate and recall information better.

This is a quick rundown of what has to be written down when taking notes:

  • Principles and Theories
  • Highlights
  • Examples and real-life demo
  • Diagrams and Charts if applicable
  • Timelines and if, new words
  • Quotations and summaries

Consistent Revision from Notes

After a candidate has completed their notes, they must be critically revised on a regular basis. This is a crucial stage in assisting any candidate in grasping the issue and determining its relevance. The procedure of taking notes does not take long. When a candidate has finished scrolling through the primary contents, essential features, advantages, and disadvantages, they will gain in-depth insight.


It can be concluded that note-making is an essential part of JEE preparation. Preparing notes on the topic you studied while it is still fresh in your mind will save you time, energy, and confusion.

Try to take notes that are more organized and less wordy; taking good notes will save you time from rereading a topic and can be an excellent resource for building study outlines.

Use the hacks mentioned above to boost your note-making process further. All the best.

Also Read: 3 T’s to Ace JEE Main Mathematics: Topics, Tips & Tricks

Originally published at on June 7, 2021.


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